Greetings from the CEO - 株式会社アストライアーソフトウエア

Greetings from the CEO

Kiyofumi Shijo
Astraea Software Co., Ltd.
Representative Director
Career :
Apr 1989 - Oct 1993 Research Center of Computational Mechanics, Inc. Engineering Department
Nov 1993 - Feb 1996 Kokan Keisoku Co., Ltd. (currently JFE Techno-Research Corporation) Measurement Technology Department
Mar 1996 - Dec 2003 MSC Software Co., Ltd. (currently Hexagon AB) Engineering Department
Jan 2004 - Aug 2006 Technostar Co., Ltd. Technical Sales Department
Sep 2006 - Dec 2019 Director of Technostar Co., Ltd.
Mar 2013 Obtained MBA (Master of Business Administration)
Apr 2020 - Current Astraea Software Co., Ltd. Representative Director

Thoughts on the Founding:

I have been involved in technical software in the manufacturing industry for more than 30 years. We have always been able to provide convincing products.

However, technical software in the manufacturing industry has been dominated by overseas products. In addition, the use of 3D data is being promoted, but I feel that its value is not being fully utilized.

I founded this company with the belief that by integrating the latest advancements in AI and cloud technology into CAE, we could significantly contribute to the manufacturing industry’s growth. Our mission is to bring this vision to life and make a global impact with AI and deep learning software developed in Japan.

We will always make selfless management decisions based on scientific management methods, in accordance with justice and fairness, grow the company, never forget the spirit of altruism, and pursue the happiness of all employees, customers, and society.

 Astraea Software Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Kiyofumi Shijo